The Sells-Floto Circus out of Denver, Colorado played a basic midwestern route for many years before eventually becoming part of the American Circus Corporation in 1921. This was taken in Horton, Kansas in 1918. I believe these are all Jules Bourquin photographs but I might be wrong. Can anyone help?
Check Borquin's stuff at the Kansas Historical Society. He also photographed JR and Campbell, maybe others. Jim McRoberts sold copies of some.
A couple of these guys are pretty well dressed to be setting runs.
kansas university and southern methodist university in texas has alot of jules bourquin history information, I have a collection of his too, glass negatives, some circus pictures on old glass,Dean Keen
KU and SMU has alot of Jules Bourquins history, he lived in Horton, Ks. I have a collection from there when they auctioned off his estate,deanteaks
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