Sunday, May 31, 2009
JOMAR - Origins


The JOMAR under way of it's restoration project. Don McGarvey kept a diary about the efforts that went into this project. You can find it at http://doyleintl.com/circus_pot_jomar.htm
JOMAR - Oct. 2008
JOMAR - Oct. 2008
World of Mirth
I picked up a few Billboards a couple months ago. This map was in a 1943 or 1944 issue. I found it interesting in that there are several cancellations due to the war effort. I remember that Cetlin and Wilson recieved a commendation from the US Govt. for their sales of War Bonds. They had a joint set up on the lot selling nothing but War Bonds.
( You can double click it for a nice large image )
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Circus Historical Society

The March / April issue of the Bandwagon is out and what a dandy it is. The Circus Historical Society is the ONLY organization offering a complete review each year of every show on the road. This year offers 20 pages in reviewing all the shows on the road. There is an ibcredible article about being on the RBBB train. There are 6 pages of photos from the Steve Albasing ( aka John Heck ) collection while he was on Ringling Bros. in 1911 to 1917. Also included is a fantastic short story about concessions logistics, and locations.
Anyone can visit the Circus Historical Society's website at http://www.circushistory.org/ There is a ton of information for anyone to see. You can even join the CHS at the website via Paypal using a secured pay site. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!
Circus Historical Society Convention - 2009

Anybody can double click on the form and print it to send it in. This will be a fantastic experience. You don't want to miss it!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Elephant Survey
I got this from John Goodall today!
Should circuses be forced to stop using elephants in their acts?
How you voted
Yes. Elephants are harmed physically and emotionally by performing.
No. Elephants are an essential part of the circus tradition.
No. But circuses need tighter regulations on how they use the animals.
Total of 10,893 votes
32.2% - Yes. Elephants are harmed physically and emotionally by performing.
3,510 votes
50.9% - No. Elephants are an essential part of the circus tradition.
5,548 votes
16.8% - No. But circuses need tighter regulations on how they use the animals.
1,835 votes
Display Comments: (Feb - May, 2009)
No. Elephants are an essential part of the circus tradition.
The 3 choices are loaded. How about "No because they are treated well"? That's our responsibility -- to treat animals well.
#1 - SJTepper
Elephants live a better life in the circus than they do in the wild.
#2 - Marty-360326
Having dealt with both the circus and the so-called animal rights "activists", I will side with the circus.
#3 - concerned in Central FL
here we go again. a bunch of animal activists screaming about something they dont like. just remember when you donate money to these groups
#4 - guillaume 1637
These same people complaining about the treatment of elephants, will violently protect their RIGHT to murder an unborn child.
#5 - Kirk-790853
Please give me a break, these elephants are being taken care of by the Feld family better than if they were in their wild enviorment.
#6 - graycliff
It's to bad allot of the activists Dogs aren't treated as well as Circus Elephants I know they leave them locked in a room all day.
#7 - Elvin-865441
-RBBB has long been involved in conservation efforts and cares for all their animals well. May not be true for all circuses but is for RB.
#8 - Linda-451803
Of course elephants should be treated with the same kindness one would expect to be given a family pet. And yet we're compelled to insure t
#9 - Gadgetman
Performing animals are treated by their human family so much better than they would be treated by a poacher in the wild.
#10 - FL Fan
Elephants are intelligent, majestic, and sensitive creatures. Ringling does an amazing job at helping us all understand that!
#11 - better to know
#12 - JCTTJE
These so-called animal rights groups are only after publicity. Ringling has done more to benefit animals than those groups EVER will.
#13 - ishcabibble
Elephants are vital to the circus experience, as are horses, dogs and human clowns, who seem to enjoy the environment and travel just fine.
#14 - Suz-865945
Ringling Bros does NOT abuse animals! The protest groups refuse to accept the genuine affection that exists between animals and trainers.
#15 - GothamTomato
Not that they are essential but they certainly enjoy the stimulation that is required to learn and perform these behaviors
#16 - elephantfan
They should train the activists... but they are nearly impossible to educate! Too many freaks and not enough circuses!
#17 - Dave-866085
People want and expect to see elephants when they go to the circus. These animals are the bread and butter of the circus and need 24/7care
#18 - Wayne Scheiner
How about "No. Most circus elephants receive excellent care, including healthy mental and physical exercise."
#19 - lionden
Circus elephants provide an amazing experience for people. At Ringling they are extremely well cared for and loved like family.
#20 - Kris13
Elephants and humans BOTH benefit from their use in circuses. Animal "rights" groups are epic monuments to ignorance and bigotry!
#21 - chacho rat
No, elephants are a tradition with the American Circus. Circuses are regulated on the Federal & State Level & must meet the guidelines set
#22 - Gordon MacKay
No, keep up this foolish behavior and soon we'll be freeing the goldfish! Stop spending so much time with PETA and tend to your children.
#23 - TeamGarcia
It's so hard to even find an elephant to show my kids. Elephants MUST stay in the circus. How else will the next generation know them?
#24 - Animal Fan
Better security to protect all animals from the eco-terrorists that harm in the name of saving these wonderful animals
#25 - Ed Webber
our children need to see them, and circuses are the only plase for that, besides, people take really good care of them
#26 - dyrak
RBBB Circus is probably the BEST organization that takes care of their animals, including elephants. They're an example for others to follo
#27 - The Captains America
Elephants need mental stimulation and exercise, which Ringlings offers. The Ringlings handlers and vets are respected world wide.
#28 - Stuey10
As a one-time circus clown, I can attest that the animals on circuses are treated with the utmost care and respect.
#29 - Michael Karp
My uncles job at the circus sleep with the elephants to keep PETA from shooting at them with pelet guns to get a rise out of them to video
#30 - tracy-471375
Maybe elephants LIKE performing in the circus...Can you tell they don't ? ...you blithering liberal idiots...
#31 - Zen8Master
How are these creatures harmed? They are fed well, Its like saying that you are harmed in working for your paycheck...
#32 - http://patsfanczar.newsvine.com/
the people that are complaining are the same people in the video they show!!!and ignorant people believe what they show. get more info!!!
#33 - ramos1-938249
.Elephants are trained using positive reinforcement not negative (i.e. they get treats, not punishment). Learn what you're talking about.
#34 - gebtordon
If we can't have elephants, how about the animal rights activists entertain us with tricks while keeping their mouths permanently shut !
#35 - tw-601157
Animal activists shove outdated video and photos down the throats of America. The circus takes better care of elephants than most zoos.
#36 - zookeeper-1121542
Elephants are well cared for! It's the activists that mislead everyone with their lies. Pay no attention to them! Take a child to the circuS
#37 - Barb Moore
RBBB does more to protect the elephants than abuse them. Do some homework, there are conservations provided for them!
#38 - Matthew Holst
Caring for circus elephants is a 24/7 job. They are not going to harm or injure one of their greatest assets.
May 20, 2009
Should circuses be forced to stop using elephants in their acts?
How you voted
Yes. Elephants are harmed physically and emotionally by performing.
No. Elephants are an essential part of the circus tradition.
No. But circuses need tighter regulations on how they use the animals.
Total of 10,893 votes
32.2% - Yes. Elephants are harmed physically and emotionally by performing.
3,510 votes
50.9% - No. Elephants are an essential part of the circus tradition.
5,548 votes
16.8% - No. But circuses need tighter regulations on how they use the animals.
1,835 votes
Display Comments: (Feb - May, 2009)
No. Elephants are an essential part of the circus tradition.
The 3 choices are loaded. How about "No because they are treated well"? That's our responsibility -- to treat animals well.
#1 - SJTepper
Elephants live a better life in the circus than they do in the wild.
#2 - Marty-360326
Having dealt with both the circus and the so-called animal rights "activists", I will side with the circus.
#3 - concerned in Central FL
here we go again. a bunch of animal activists screaming about something they dont like. just remember when you donate money to these groups
#4 - guillaume 1637
These same people complaining about the treatment of elephants, will violently protect their RIGHT to murder an unborn child.
#5 - Kirk-790853
Please give me a break, these elephants are being taken care of by the Feld family better than if they were in their wild enviorment.
#6 - graycliff
It's to bad allot of the activists Dogs aren't treated as well as Circus Elephants I know they leave them locked in a room all day.
#7 - Elvin-865441
-RBBB has long been involved in conservation efforts and cares for all their animals well. May not be true for all circuses but is for RB.
#8 - Linda-451803
Of course elephants should be treated with the same kindness one would expect to be given a family pet. And yet we're compelled to insure t
#9 - Gadgetman
Performing animals are treated by their human family so much better than they would be treated by a poacher in the wild.
#10 - FL Fan
Elephants are intelligent, majestic, and sensitive creatures. Ringling does an amazing job at helping us all understand that!
#11 - better to know
#12 - JCTTJE
These so-called animal rights groups are only after publicity. Ringling has done more to benefit animals than those groups EVER will.
#13 - ishcabibble
Elephants are vital to the circus experience, as are horses, dogs and human clowns, who seem to enjoy the environment and travel just fine.
#14 - Suz-865945
Ringling Bros does NOT abuse animals! The protest groups refuse to accept the genuine affection that exists between animals and trainers.
#15 - GothamTomato
Not that they are essential but they certainly enjoy the stimulation that is required to learn and perform these behaviors
#16 - elephantfan
They should train the activists... but they are nearly impossible to educate! Too many freaks and not enough circuses!
#17 - Dave-866085
People want and expect to see elephants when they go to the circus. These animals are the bread and butter of the circus and need 24/7care
#18 - Wayne Scheiner
How about "No. Most circus elephants receive excellent care, including healthy mental and physical exercise."
#19 - lionden
Circus elephants provide an amazing experience for people. At Ringling they are extremely well cared for and loved like family.
#20 - Kris13
Elephants and humans BOTH benefit from their use in circuses. Animal "rights" groups are epic monuments to ignorance and bigotry!
#21 - chacho rat
No, elephants are a tradition with the American Circus. Circuses are regulated on the Federal & State Level & must meet the guidelines set
#22 - Gordon MacKay
No, keep up this foolish behavior and soon we'll be freeing the goldfish! Stop spending so much time with PETA and tend to your children.
#23 - TeamGarcia
It's so hard to even find an elephant to show my kids. Elephants MUST stay in the circus. How else will the next generation know them?
#24 - Animal Fan
Better security to protect all animals from the eco-terrorists that harm in the name of saving these wonderful animals
#25 - Ed Webber
our children need to see them, and circuses are the only plase for that, besides, people take really good care of them
#26 - dyrak
RBBB Circus is probably the BEST organization that takes care of their animals, including elephants. They're an example for others to follo
#27 - The Captains America
Elephants need mental stimulation and exercise, which Ringlings offers. The Ringlings handlers and vets are respected world wide.
#28 - Stuey10
As a one-time circus clown, I can attest that the animals on circuses are treated with the utmost care and respect.
#29 - Michael Karp
My uncles job at the circus sleep with the elephants to keep PETA from shooting at them with pelet guns to get a rise out of them to video
#30 - tracy-471375
Maybe elephants LIKE performing in the circus...Can you tell they don't ? ...you blithering liberal idiots...
#31 - Zen8Master
How are these creatures harmed? They are fed well, Its like saying that you are harmed in working for your paycheck...
#32 - http://patsfanczar.newsvine.com/
the people that are complaining are the same people in the video they show!!!and ignorant people believe what they show. get more info!!!
#33 - ramos1-938249
.Elephants are trained using positive reinforcement not negative (i.e. they get treats, not punishment). Learn what you're talking about.
#34 - gebtordon
If we can't have elephants, how about the animal rights activists entertain us with tricks while keeping their mouths permanently shut !
#35 - tw-601157
Animal activists shove outdated video and photos down the throats of America. The circus takes better care of elephants than most zoos.
#36 - zookeeper-1121542
Elephants are well cared for! It's the activists that mislead everyone with their lies. Pay no attention to them! Take a child to the circuS
#37 - Barb Moore
RBBB does more to protect the elephants than abuse them. Do some homework, there are conservations provided for them!
#38 - Matthew Holst
Caring for circus elephants is a 24/7 job. They are not going to harm or injure one of their greatest assets.
May 20, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day
Old Milwaukee Days
Old Milwaukee Days
Old Milwaukee Days

Sunday, May 17, 2009
More Elephant news!

The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, TN. reports that one of their original elephant co-habitants, BUNNY, died on May 14th, 2009. They then lost NED, an Asian male on the next day May 15th, 2009.
While the many arguments for better or worse will continue for many years to come, loosing 5 elephants in fourteen months isn't the best track record in the world for their fundraising.
NC Zoo
NC Zoo
NC Zoo
Friday, May 15, 2009
Pat Cashin's Blog

Let the songs of praise begin. Pat's blog has been RECOVERED! Go to Pat's blog for all the glorious details. http://clownalley.net/
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ringling Museums
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hagenbeck Wallace Circus
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