Wednesday, July 28, 2010

RBBB WQ 1952


Anonymous said...

Again the wagons from left to right are:
#12 elephant dept.
#42 props
#101 wardrobe trunks
#38 stake & chain

Anonymous said...

lf to rt
#12 baggage stock trappings
old barnes wagon
#101 wardrobe
#38 bigtop stake and chain


Anonymous said...

Interesting wagon #12
According to my notes from Gordon Potter,#12 was the first wagon to have its axles turned down and have truck hub asbys fitted to it and single pneumatic tires and wheels installed. This was in mid-season of 1934 and was maybe the first wagon to be fitted with rubber tires. This worked and dual wheels were added in 1935 to 110,111,126 light plant wagons. And #110 had the single pneumatic tires added to it.


Anonymous said...

Ivan Henry's Blog on July 30, 2010 had a set of color photos of RBBB moving out of the Sarasota quarters in the Spring of 1953. The new metal #12 is pictured in the cage cut of the train.