Many people enjoy going through Flickr posts so I put up a Circus Kirk and Boas Bros. set of photos under "The Circus World LLC". I put a link on this site for you to go to the Flickr photos. I'll be adding some more later on.
"There's no Business like Show Business". This is an opportunity to share and present Circus History with others.
Bob was this the same Lisa that wound up on Roberts Bros?
I know she was owned by Dorey and leased to Roberts Bros. Was this the same deal or did Doc buy her and sell her to Dory? Dick
One more thing I forgot to say:
Thanks for the link!Dick
Hello Dick,
Yep, same elephant. We had a guy on the show named Larry Cimino who was sent by Doc to go find us some corporate sponsors. Larry was also one of our advance crew and a versatile musician at that.
Anyway, Larry goes to New York and after kicking things around for a few days, he calls Doc and says we have a fantastic sponsor. Planters Peanuts is thrilled to be tied in with Circus Kirk and their baby elephant.
Doc is going WHAT baby elephant? Larry is telling him the one we are going to need to get because I told them we have one. So Doc got a hold of D.R. and the rest is history as they say. Lisa was on the Kirk in 1975, 1976, and 1977 before finding her way over to Roberts Bros. a few years later via the same lease deal through D.R.
Keep up the great work.
Note to Bob Cline: Larry Cimino was a college roommate of mine and he used to tell me his stories about traveling as an advance man for Circus Kirk. I think he even ended up marrying their tightrope walker! Larry was a part of a two man advance team pasing up circus posters on barns telling the farmers that he was just using "two-week wheat paste". You couldn't powerwash that stuff off!
Larry used to go on local TV and tell folks he could stick a 4 inch nail in his head on a dare and the proceed to stick it up his nose!
If you have an email address for him, I'd love to get back in touch.
Pete del Vecchio
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