Today I offer two slides both marked Hanneford - Firelands, Ohio Aug. 1970. I t must have been a truly amazing show as even the elephants had plumes on. I'll bet the band was lively to with all their plumes, red jackets and shoulder thingys.
I mean if the elephants had plumes, surely the band did too! Isn't that right band members?
Let me get this perfectly clear --- The elephants have plumes , and there are pictures of this -- and MAYBE the band had plumes , but there are no pictures of the band ??????????
Elephants have pictures and plumes --- band has no pictures and probably no plumes either ???? Ah , let me take this up with the vigalante picket comittie , and we will get back to youse The L.U.U.M. ( Liberation Union of Un-plumes Musicians ) -- founded 2009
I had cute shoes!
And G is the secretary for L.U.U.M.s -----Wonderful !
I worked in Circus Bartok in Summer 1970. The band (Professor Charley Moya on trumpet and Clarence on drums) did not wear plumes, but Clarence wore a woman's nylon stocking on his head to keep the mosquitos away. Happy memories!
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