Thursday, June 30, 2011

CWM GALA Fundraiser

Circus gala raises $200K

By Tim Damos Posted: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:30 am

Baraboo’s Circus World Museum had its most successful single-day fundraiser of all time Sunday, raising more than $200,000 at its annual taste testing festival.
Steve Freese, the museum’s executive director, said the record outcome was a surprise considering today’s economy.
"I knew that we were going to pass our goal on Sunday when we had $154,000 in table sales," Freese said. "But I thought we wouldn’t do so well with our silent and live auctions. Nope, we set records there, too."
The money raised helps pay for Circus World’s general operations and summer performances.
Thirty-three chefs, vintners and brewmasters served a record 610 Circus World supporters. The event also featured live music, auctions, chef awards and shows from Circus World performing artists.
Baraboo National Bank Chairman and CEO Merlin Zitzner, the event’s co-chair, said area businesses and individuals "really stepped up this year with both monetary and silent auction donations" to make the event successful.
First place winners received the "Silver Tray" award. Winners for the 2011 gala were:
• Appetizer: Chef Bodhi Engler, Granite City Food and Brewery
• Entrée: Executive chef Greg Smart, Fresh Madison Market
• Dessert: Chef John Jerabek, Fresco
• Beer: A tie between brewmaster Kirby Nelson, Capital Brewery, and Dave Fritz, president of Potosi Brewing Company
• Wine: Cindy Ballweg, Wollersheim Winery
• Best Table Presentation: Potosi Brewing Company

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Circus March

The Big Cage

Entry of the Gladiators

Circus Historical Society

We are already having people ask us what Hotel to reserve their rooms at, what the dates are, etc. for the CHS Convention in Baraboo next year. A Planning Committee met in Baraboo yesterday to finalize some details. We should be able to start giving you specifics in about a week.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby Elephants at play

This was sent to me by a good friend, Mr. Wayne Jackson.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Greatest Convention to date will be in 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls,..... Children of all Ages.... seen for the very first time anywhere in the North American Continent, the priceless imagination and daring perception of Circus Model Builders combined with the artistic arrangements of Historical perspectives brought to you LIVE and in Baraboo, WI, the week of June 12-17th, 2012 - the Great Display of the Circus Model Builders showing and the Circus Historical Society Convention at the same time. Circus Kirk is also planning their reunion around these dates. Don't Miss it! Hurry, Hurry, HURRY!!!!


There's a BIIIIIGGGGG!, I mean BIG announcement coming soon that will just thrill you all!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Dad! Love you and miss you!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Circus Model Builders in Baraboo

Here is CMB past President, former CWM train crew member and all round great friend, Walt Heist Jr.

Little big tops attracting crowds

By Brian D. Bridgeford, News Republic Posted: Saturday, June 18, 2011 3:30 am

If you love the circus, but can't afford scores of performers and animals, huge tents and your own train, you can still make one in miniature, at that's how a group of circus model enthusiasts visiting Circus World this weekend feel.
Today beginning 9 a.m. and continuing until 6 p.m. and through Sunday starting at 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., fans of circus models from as far as Australia will have 33 exhibits on display in the Deppe Wagon Pavilion at Circus World. Museum visitors may see the model exhibit for the normal price of admission.
The enthusiasts construct their creations in scales ranging from as small as 1/16 of an inch to a full one inch to the foot, said Chris Grieder of Circus Model Builders. He said he became interested in circuses through a model-building friend and also participated with Circus World and the Great Milwaukee Circus Parade.
"I was actually the water boy on the Great Circus Parade, loading and unloading on the train crew for several years," he said. Grieder's display, built with the help of his grandfather, Roy Grieder, is a HO-scale sideshow tent with elaborately painted signs advertising the various sideshow performers and their acts. The stages inside are assembled with meticulous attention to detail, he said. "They're actually built with the jacks underneath them, not just blocks of wood," Grieder said. "If we took off the stripped pieces of fabric we have there you would see how they were really built."
Models on display ranged from large tabletop re-creations of an entire circus grounds to models of performance rings and individual circus wagons. Evergreen, Ill. resident Jim Putz and his grandson, Mark Kozeluh, 3, looked at a model of circus rings in which the performers actually moved. He said he originally came to enjoy the museum exhibits and circus performance, only to discover the model exhibit.
"I didn't even know they were here. It's very interesting," he said. "Look at the size of them."
Australian circus fan Wayne Cordell said he visited the United States several times during the late 1980s and in 1991, rode the Great Circus Train and got a taste for building circus models.
"I was an attendant to the pigmy hippopotamus, whose name at the time was Betty Lou," he said with laugh.
Twenty years later, Cordell said he is back to enjoy the circus, circus models and the company of fellow enthusiasts again. His creation is a quarter-inch scale model of the modern Chipperfield's Circus of England. "I'm back home, second home," he said.
Circus World Singing Ringmaster David SaLoutos said one show participant is Walter Heist of Pennsylvania, one of the founders of the model circus builder's gathering.
One of Heist's models is a paddleboat called the Southern Belle he said pushed a fully-assembled circus tent and performers from town to town along the Mississippi River during the early 1900s.
"It's actually several barges laced together and the tent put on it," he said. "They never took the tent down. It stayed up as you see it," Heist said.
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Monday, June 13, 2011

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This is the most amazing book ever written about the circus poster in American. If you can't get to Cincinnati to see the great exhibit, try to buy the book. It's available at the Cincinnati Art Museum Gift Shop for $30.00. Call them at 513-639-2958.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

As we opened the last day of this year's convention, Saturday Morning's lengthy presentation offered a panel of animal people with discussion about laws, husbandry, past, present and future of the animals in the circus and zoos. Featured members of this panel included Ken Kawata as the Moderator, Noted animal historian, Richard Reynolds III, Janice Aria of RBBB, and Bob Cline.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Radio Broadcast specialist, Chris Berry found and played a complete 30 minute 1943 FITCH Bandwagon recording that had the regular commercials, and F. Beverly Kelly, Merle Evans and Fred Bradna speaking throughout the program along with Merle Evans and his Circus Concert band playing.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Fred Dahlinger provided an overall look at the Golden Age of the Circus, using his own thoughts and the thoughts of several fellow historians. This was a really interesting discussion utilizing several view points and some discussion as well.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Lane Talburt presented an amazing documentary of the Dailey Bros. Circus using interviews with Pete Cristiani and Norma Davenport Cristiani.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Chris Berry gave a great presentation on the Donaldson Lithograph Co. based out of Newport, KY.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

John Polacsek gave the last presentation on Magic in the circus and the Black Big Top that went with it.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

As the convention was drawing to a close, the evening Banquet got under way. Here we find Nancy and Bill Cooker, Kurt Spence in the blue shirt, Steve Flint in the Burgandy shirt, Dawnne Flint and someone in the grey suit, I can't identify. Help?

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Vice President John Polacsek on the left, President Judy Griffin, John Price, Ward Hall, Richard Reynolds, and Dave Price.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

The Banquet's guest speaker was Janice Aria who serves as the Director of Animal Stewardship for RBBB.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

There were lots of heavy thunderstorms here yesterday. Hail, heavy rains thunder and lightning. Needless to say, the Wireless Internet connection was lost so I'm a day behind.

Friday started out with Kristin Spangenberg and Debbie Walk talking about the creation of the Poster Exhibit, the grant writing, the selection process, the approval and the building of the exhibit.

They were then followed by two local gentlemen, one who had worked at Strobridge and another gentleman that allowed us to produce our own CHS Lithography stone that he will print for all of us.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

David Carlyon, a former clown and published author, spoke about the relations ship between Children and the Circus through the ages.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Bob Unterreiner spoke about the Band Leaders of the Circus.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Debbie Walk of the Ringling Museums spoke about the expansion at the Ringling Museums to accomadate 5 different storage facilities back on the grounds with a new state of the art holding facility.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This is Matt Wittman's project he's working on in New York City.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

The evening's activities featured the GRAND CHS auction. There were hundreds of items from a bullhook to coveralls to major posters. Al Stenecell and John Polacsek were the auctioneers with assistance from Kristin Spangenberg and Leslie Wagner.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

There were Heralds, Couriers, Programs, contracts, route books, photos, letterheads and much much more.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

There were some really great old posters at the auction.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Neil Cockerline was one of the big winners with this magnificient Soloman, Queen of Sheba poster.

Friday, June 10, 2011

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

As the first day of events began, we were gretted at the Cincinnati Art Museum by the Curator of prints, Kristin Spangenberg. The Art Museum has created the best photo journal of Circus Lithography ever produced. For the small price of $30.00 in the gift shop, you'll have a lasting legacy and an amazing historical guide.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

As the crowds worked their way through the exhibit and the visiting began we found Fred Pfening III on the far left with Debbie Walk of the Ringling Museums, Pete Adams in the Blue shirt in back, John Polacsek, Bob Unterreiner, Kristin Spangenberg from the Cincinnati Art Museum, Paul Ingrassia, Rodney Huey in the dark coat with his back to you, Maureen Brunsdale from Illinois State University and Guy Fiorenza.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This is the main entrance to one of the most incredible exhibitions of circus lithography ever seen in this country.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Two people that remember the Billboard well, Ward Hall and Charlie Bellati.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Mr. Donaldson was the owner of Donaldson Lithograph co. and the founder of the Billboard.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This is the Donaldson Family Monument in Evergreen Cemetery.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

The Vent Museum was well worth the wait. There are three buildings full of celebrated dummies that add up to over 800 in the collection now. The most recent members include Peanut, Walter, and Jose on a stick from Jeff Dunham's collection.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

The Ventrilioquist Museum was a real highlight of the day. Their annual convention falls in July with Jeff Dunham and Terry Vator both expected to be here. If the Museum wasn't good enough, Ward Hall worked the crowds at the same time.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

As guests were registering today, they were treated to a huge display of posters from John Polacsek's collection that changed three times over the afternoon. This is a great 16 sheet poster.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Bill Cooker and John Polacsek are preparing to display another great poster.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This was a beautiful two sheet poster.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Father Notter on the left, Charles Eldridge, Al Stencell and Ward Hall all were visiting in the poster display room.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This was a four sheet poster.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

The color isn't quite right in this photo. The poster was more neon colors. It was really bright.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Mr.s Cooker on the Left, Dawnne Flint, Fred Dahlinger, Al Stencell, Bill Cooker seated (?) and someone's elbow get to visit in the poster display area.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

A real nice 4 sheet poster.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

This was a 24 sheet poster.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Arriving in Cincinnati before 9 AM yesterday, I hurried downtown to the Union Terminal where the Amtrak train still runs. In the lower level is the Cincinnati Historical Society which holds many of the John Robinson papers. Mostly from 1905 to 1930's, everything I was looking for was prior to 1905 and was not to be found.

Registration begins today at 2 PM with many arrivals already here.

CHS Convention in Cincinnati

Cincinnati's City Hall reflects the rich German Heritage from the turn of the century. This photo is by Greg Hume and is being used on Wikipedia.

Monday, June 06, 2011

CMB Gathering in Baraboo

Folks, while we are heading off to Cincinnati for the huge Circus Historical Society convention this week, the Circus Model Builders are going to be following the arrows to Baraboo the week after for a fantastic display at Circus World Museum. There are already over 30 exhibitors signed up coming from several states. This is a must SEE event!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Carnival Posters

I received a nice letter from Rex Owens the other day asking if I would put on some Carnival Posters. I hope you enjoy them Rex. Some of these I had at one time and sold and some were seen on eBay.

Carnival Posters

Carnival Posters

Carnival Posters

Carnival Posters