This is myself and Diane Neidermeyer in 1974. I'm pretty sure this is a John and Nancy Alquire slide as it is labeled Duplicate copy.
"There's no Business like Show Business". This is an opportunity to share and present Circus History with others.
Can you still do this Bob ? Now you know why you had to have knee surgery a few years ago, right !
OH -- MY -- GOSH !!!!!! Words fail me ----- Hal , you better take over , whilst I recover --- OH -- MY -- GOSH !
Sure I can. Now that they have these new fangled electric winches to take you up and lower you back down to the wheelchair, I could do almost all of it.
Thats called therapy Bob, I`m getting ready to find out all about that myself, getting my knee replacment surgery on April 1 !
You're getting an operation on April Fools Day ??? Doesn't that scare you just a tiny bit ??? Hal , you and Bob and I seem to have the same sense of humor ( warped , as my wife says) --- what if your Doctor has the same sense of humor as we three ???? " I'm sorry Mr. Guyon , there was a mix up with your knee and your elbow " , or " A funny thing happened whilst I was performing your surgery " , or just as you're going under the anistetic ,someone hollers out WHOOPS " --- not to mention whoopie cushions , avalable at any Pick and Save Stores these days. ------ OR --- you could have Bob and I do it for half price , with a tummy tuck thrown in for free --- wise thoughts to think over !
Funny you should mention this Jim. When I saw the Dr. the other day he told me that before they put me out to make sure that they marked the left knee. Although I need both knees done it`s the left that bothers me the most. As for you doing the surgery, I don`t think so, it took you forever to repair your blog. If I waited that long for you to do knee surgery I`d be dead. And Bob`s a nice guy and everything, but how do I explain that I had surgery done by a man that use to be a clown ! As for the tummy tuck, No, too much to tuck, maybe something more like a "Tummy Fold" ! As for it being April Fools Day, I can`t think of a better day for an "Ole Comic" like me to have it !
That is my mom! She is so beautiful! :-) I wish I would've been able to see her do this in person!
Hey girls,
Please tell your mom I had to move last summer and I have no idea how to contact her.
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