Circus Kirk was an institution when it comes to the travelling circus as the only all-student circus that moved on a daily basis for over 10 years. Our leader, our Mentor, and our great friend after all those years was the show's owner, Dr. Charles "Doc" Boas. Here he's giving someone directions to town at the farm outside of East Berlin, PA. Actually, that someone looks like me.... but I can't be certain about that. I don't remember having all that hair!
One of our ex-Kirkers, John Gerken has started a new Facebook page for the Kirk at
1 comment:
I do believe that's my old red van in the back of this picture. After the Kirk closed, I toured a summer with Carson and Barnes as a 24 hour man in that same van. I kept driving it until about '84, by which time I had gotten married and moved to Texas.
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