When the Circus Hall of Fame was created in Sarasota, it was just a few blocks down the street from the Ringling Museums. The Ringling Museums and the Circus Hall of Fame both got what they could from the Ringling surplus equipment sales. Those sales slips are still in existance in the Circus World Museum Library. While many of these had different show titles on them, they were all RBBB wagons. As you can see from these photos they weren't in real good shape to start with. By time the Peru Museum was established, these wagons were all in a terrible condition if not falling apart.
where are all these at now?
I know some are in Florida,but some I have never seen anywhere?
Most of them, if not all of them, are now in the International Circus Hall of Fame in Peru, IN. at the old Hagenbeck-Wallce winter quarters. The long lion cage in particular is just a pile of steel and no longer repairable.
Giving credit where credit is due, the Peru Museum has done a terrific job to preserve and repair these wagons but most were so far gone when they got them that some have just become wreckage.
thats sad to hear...these are some great photos...
thanks Bob.
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