This was taken in 1981 when dad and I went to Florida for a few weeks. These were some of the coaches taken out of use. The coach in the back has larger windows at the back than the front of the car. Does anyone have any idea what this car was used for, what number this car was, or even a better photo?
PS: You can double click it to enlarge it.
When I blew this up and looked at under a glass, I think it is #77.
Were these cars on a siding in Brooksville? I remember seeing some there. Sorry I can't help you on the I.D. of them.
You have me questioning myself now. I thought we took all of these at the Tampa Winter quarters but the telephone poles give the appearance of a siding.
A couple of coaches sat temporarily on a siding North of Busch Boulevard. I didn't have the sense to take pix! The car with the bigger windows is a Solarium car. This area had a lounge or buffet area in it.
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