Saturday, January 02, 2010

White Moose!

Since there's more than one... does that make them Meeses?


Down the Road by Jim said...

I believe that would make them "Wisconsinites " --- we probably have herds of white meeses up here, but people just don't notice them because they blend ( the meeses , not the people) into the winter wonderland of the woodland forests and fauna ,so dear to the hearts of all Northeners!

Bob Cline said...

And while Jim is down on the snowy encrusted fields, keeping quiet in the midst of all the winter wonderland of the woodland forests and fauna,so dear to the hearts of all Northeners and freezing his blogdrums off to get these fine photos of the white meeses, we'll all enjoy a sizzling hot cup of Maxwell House coffee, the taste that refreshes, warms your soul and soothes a frigid morning like this. Now back to our sponsors.....