Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls......... Children of all ages, the Circus Historical Society proudly presents the Jan. / Feb. issue of the 53rd Annual Edition of the
Bandwagon. Brought to you in full color, this issue is an amazing 48 pages long featuring a 26 page article about the Campbell Bros. Circus out of Fairbury, Nebraska, the life and times of legendary animal man, Frank C. Bostock, the story of Donald Burns, a New York animal trader and showman and much, much, more.
If you are a member of the Circus Historical Society, this exciting issue will be in your hands very soon. If you are not a member, then you are missing a huge part of Circus History. Go to the Official CHS website at
http://www.circushistory.org/ Here you can find an application to join along with a simple on-line payment through Paypal. What a great way to get started in the new year with Circus History never told anywhere before. Get your copy of the
Bandwagon, today!