July 21, 2011BY GRACE VASINGTON, calendar@courant.com, The Hartford Courant
A circus in Essex, soccer at Riverside Park and a car show in Guilford are family friendly events on this week.
Essex Steam Train & Riverboat presents the Valley Railroad Circus Train & Big Top Show Saturday and Sunday, July 23 and 24, and again July 30 and 31. The circus train will arrive at the Lee Company parking lot on Bokum Road in Essex, welcoming passengers and transporting them to the circus grounds at Essex Station. The vintage Circus Train will be pulled by a Diesel Locomotive and will include three passenger coaches, a circus billboard car, two flat cars carrying six circus wagons and a caboose. Take a short train ride to the circus grounds and see an acrobat show in the "Big Top Tent"; a circus midway includes "Punch & Judy" puppet shows, clowns, carnival food and rides and a petting zoo. Tickets are $25 a person and available at http://www.essexsteamtrain.com/. There will be 12 circus train departures from the Lee Company parking lot every half hour from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Trains also will return from the circus grounds to parking every half hour. Information: 800-377-3987.
NOW, for the really big questions! Does anyone have any pictures of this train and wagons being used? Are they something someone made up? I have to ask because the circus train photo in their brochure is the Milwaukee Great Circus Parade train. Contact me at tigeract@thecircusworld.com
Thanks, Bob
I received this link tonight from a friend that probably answers my questions above.
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