WOW! Did I say WOW!? WOW! This is one of the greatest editions I have ever seen. Fred D. Pfening III has gone above and beyond in bringing this masterpiece to your town this week. Read all about Art Concello, Gil Gray and the Disneyland Circus, Pete Cristiani, Dailey Bros. Circus and a tribute to John McConnell and more.
Get your copy of the bandwagon by joining the Circus Historical Society today on their website at www.circushistory.org
One of the best yet, already read mine cover to cover. I really enjoyed the story on Art Concello. Maybe this issue was so good because it didn`t have one of those long Bob Cline stories in it! Just Kidding Partner !
I wish you wouldn't tell everyone that this issue is out already, because I probably won't get mine until Saturday. I hope that next time there will be another one of those long Bob Cline stories!
Bob Kitto
July 29 and it hasn't reached some of us yet.
Just got mine and its great. I do not like it when they glorify "grift" but knowing the parties involved made it creditable. Recalled myself at Disneyland. Not exactly but pretty good. Over 50 yrs. ago. how about that. johnny
I agree with Hal ---- I mean the part about reading it cover to cover , not the other part about Bob , --- still ---- no , really , I had just re-read a John Ringling North biography , and the Concello part fit right in ---- like extra chapters ---- Hey Hal , maybe you and I should get our powerful brains together , and do a bio about Bob Cline for Bandwagon !
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