Hello again. I've had a couple inquiries as to what have you been doing, why aren't you posting anything?
Well...... I've been busy. I came up with the brilliant idea that all these scrapbooks need to be digitized and shared, not just sitting on a shelf. So I have started scanning each and every page and identifying every picture that I can. Some aren't marked at all. Some are obviously photos of a photo. Collected over 50 some years and put in these scrapbooks, you'll find photos taken by my family as well as photos from Wm. Koford, Dick Conover, the Pfening archives, P.M. McClintock, Don Smith and others. There are over 50 scrapbooks. I've got 7 of them done so far.
In order to share these for their circus historical value, I have started putting them on my website at
http://www.thecircusworld.com/ and I'll have an ad in the Bandwagon for them. I'm absolutely certain, you will be delighted with them.