By Bob Johnson, OABA President
More than 45 years ago a handful of Showmen gathered in Chicago to form what is now the oldest and largest trade association representing the mobile amusement industry. Nowhere in North America is anyone working harder for the protection of the traditional circus…and performing animals…than the Outdoor Amusement Business Association (OABA). This year, in their 45th anniversary year, the OABA is introducing a fabulous, new Circus Fund Lion pin to add to your collection!
For more than two centuries in this country performing animals have been a vital and integral part of the circus and petting zoo business; and have enriched the entertainment value of the tradition of American circuses and traveling petting zoos. Performing animals have amazed and amused countless millions of people with their natural beauty, physical capabilities and intellectual ability to learn and perform a variety of feats.
Life-long bonds of friendship between individual trainers and animals are fostered and promoted through mutual respect, positive training and high levels of care by owners who care for them 24/7. Additionally, as ambassadors for their respective species, performing animals have brought to the public a keen awareness and appreciation for the plight of their counterparts in the wild.
The OABA and its members, speaking as a collective voice for circus industry, strongly supports the right of USDA licensed animal owners to partner with circuses for entertainment and education. The OABA also encourages conservation programs and preservation efforts that are intended for the long-term survival of exotic animal species.
In the mid 1990s the OABA actively joined in the mission to keep performing animals in the circus. In order to do this, the association’s members, circus fans and professionals write or appear, object and argue on behalf of the use of performing animals in exhibitions and shows against well-financed opposition. The organization has tried, with limited resources, to support the pro-animal causes in agricultural fairs, petting zoos and circuses. This initiative is expensive and requires commitment and hard work that frankly can only be offered in the quantity which the OABA Circus Animal Fund can afford. As the entire fund is provided by donations it is once again time for all of us to keep it funded.
The 2010-2011 donation campaign has begun with a fabulous image of a performing LION as its symbol.
If you donate at least $20.00 to the OABA, (plus $5 shipping if ordering by phone or mail) and we will provide you with this pin. Send $50.00 or more and we will note your donation in the OABA’s ShowTime magazine. Checks should be made payable to OABA CIRCUS FUND, and sent to OABA, 1035 S. Semoran Blvd, Suite 1045A, Winter Park, FL 32792.
HELP SUPPORT-PROTECT-ENJOY PERFORMING CIRCUS ANIMALS. Donate to the Circus Fund and get this great, collector’s LION pin today!
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