Saturday, February 14, 2009

James A. Bailey

In addition to owning the Greatest Show on Earth, Mr. Bailey had bought into the Adam Forepaugh show back in 1890. While his partners changed over the years, Mr. Bailey remained a very solid owner. By 1896, he had joined forces with the well established Sells Bros. Circus. By 1905, the show was up for sale at auction, but before the auction even began, it was announced that a purchaser had bought the complete show. That purchaser turned out to be James A. Bailey and the Ringling Bros. James Anthony Bailey died April 11, 1906. Mr. Bailey's widow then sold all interests in the Circus to the Ringling Bros. on October 22, 1907 thereby giving clear title to the Ringling Bros who now owned the three largest circuses travelling in America. The Ringlings also owned the largest collection of elephants anywhere with 24 elephants on the Ringling show, 17 on the Barnum & Bailey show and 15 on the Adam Forepaugh / Sells Bros. Show.

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