Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From Tim O'Brien

     We all know and love Ward Hall for the amazing sideshows he has created through the years. Now, Ward promises the “Whole” story in the new, official biography that veteran journalist Tim O’Brien is now writing. The process has just begun and Tim and Ward have teamed up with Kickstarter, the crowdfunding site, to raise funds to help make sure this project becomes a reality. Please check out the site and the colorful video of Ward to learn of their plans and see the awesome awards that have been created for those who help out by participating in the project. Many include personal interaction with Ward and entry level to be a part of this book project is only $2. Hopefully, the sideshow community will get behind Ward and Tim and make what promises to be an engaging and colorful biography – a reality! Please check out our Kickstarter page and the special video of Ward.


Tim sent this to me about two weeks ago when Blogger was locked up. Then I was gone to the CHS Convention so I apologize for the delay in getting this out.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta be a first. Asking the public to help fund a book.
