Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Flatcar # 8

The History of Flatcar # 8.

This flatcar is 70’ long and was originally built by the Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing Company sometime between 1921 and 1924. It was built with a straight sided design unlike the normal Mt. Vernon drop down design. This was an attempt to re-create the success that that the Warren Tank Car Co. was having with their almost straight sided designed cars.
Although the original owner is unknown, the Mighty Sheesley Shows had it by 1930 and numbered it # 44. It remained there until 1944 when Pete Kortez and Mel Vaught bought the entire show and re-titled it as the North American Exposition. They lasted one season. Cetlin and Wilson decided to buy their own train at last and picked up the entire North American Exposition for a start. Once this flatcar was on Cetlin and Wilson it retained # 44 until they went out of business in 1968.
This flatcar was obtained on loan through Royal American Shows on April 27, 1971. They had bought it from the defunct Cetlin and Wilson shows when they closed in Savannah, Ga. in 1968. Royal American Shows never used it.
In 1985, it was decided to use this flatcar on the parade train. It was painted White with Red Letters and yellow Shading being titled Hagenbeck Wallace Circus. It was given the #8 on the parade train and used for the 1985, 1986, and 1987 routes.
It was never used again. On Sept. 11, 2003, the Sedlmyer family donated this flatcar to the CWM to keep it permanently in the Museum’s collection. It is considered to be the oldest show business flatcar still in existence. As of Sept. 2007, it was still on a spur track outside the Train Sheds.

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