Sunday, October 02, 2011

United Nations Circus

Let's go back to April 20, 1963 when the United Nations Circus was filmed in Manchester, Georgia.


  1. Jim Hand10:38 AM

    WOW ! What a joy to see pictures of this show. United Nations was the second circus I painted (of 26 total), I was only 21 at the time.

    My parents were personal friends of Doc and Betty Bartok who framed UNC in partnership with members of the Canestrelli families in the winter of 62-63.
    I painted the trucks at the winter quarters Doc had north of Sarasota off Tallevast Road.

    Doc and Betty were partners with Hoxie and Betty Tucker in 61 and 62 when I painted the Hoxie show for the first time of many.

    Thank You so much for sharing . I would love to see more. Makes me feel young again

  2. Hello Jim,
    Glad to hear your comments. I hope you can add some more history for the crowds. I'll add a few more photos for you also.
