Friday, October 21, 2011

Flatcar # 65

The History of Flatcar # 65

This flatcar is 70’ long and was built by the Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. sometime between 1921 and 1927. The original owners are unknown. Speculation could be that they were from the Sparks Circus that bought Mt. Vernons in 1921 and 1923 and that they were bought from Ringling in 1936 or 1937 after Ringling had bought the American Circus Corporation that included the Sparks Circus. The Cole Bros. Circus had Mt. Vernons also. Their train was a compilation of former show equipment including the 1925 Robbins Bros. Circus, the 1924 to 1926 Christy Bros. Circus and / or the 1925 to 1927 Miller Bros. 101 Ranch Wild West show.
It is also uncertain as to just when the World of Mirth Shows acquired this car and from whom. While it was on the World of Mirth Shows it was # 41.
This car was purchased by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co from the World of Mirth Shows for the Circus World Museum on Sept. 21, 1964. This was used as a run car.
Once in the possession of the Circus World Museum, the car was refurbished and painted Blue with Orange Letters and White Shading being titled Yankee Robinson Three Ring Circus on one side and a Blue car with Orange Letters and a White Outline being titled W.H. Harris New Nickel Plate Shows on the other side.
This car was in rather poor shape and was only used in the 1966 through 1973 parade trains. It was never used again.
This car was scrapped in the early 1980’s with a couple other flatcars. Two of the four cars are accounted for in an inventory taken by Bob Parkinson in August of 1986. I have been assured by former employees that this car was gone before Bill Schultz left CWM in early 1985.

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