Friday, October 08, 2010

Mabel Stark

This photo is dated 1914.
The following photos of Mabel Stark are found in my uncle's scrap books. I can find no mention of a photographer. Mabel Stark and the year are written in pencil on the back. These would have been on the Al G. Barnes Circus


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Is it just me or do the first two photos look a bit 'funny'? They don't look like the same woman in the following photos.

    Dennis Younger

  2. Hal Guyon10:40 AM

    Maybe your uncle took them. I remember my Dad talking about Mable Stark, he said she was one of the best he`d seen. Although he was always a Clyde Beatty fan,I think Gunther Gebel Williams became his all time favorite though. He said it was because Gunther worked more than just cats.

  3. Roger Smith7:15 PM

    DENNIS: They are all Mabel. I have her personal scrapbooks and photos from this era fill them. It's a matter of all of us having different looks in different settings.

    For HAL: A minor note--Mrs. Ringling spelled it Mable. Miss Stark preferred Mabel.

    Thank you, BOB, for posting these. Look for similar photos in my biography of Mabel.

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Thanks Roger. What a treasure to have her scrap books and photos. Priceless. Dennis Younger

  5. Lynne Haney Coleman3:44 AM

    Mabel looks a lot like her brother myGrandpa Jim in this photo.
