Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fair Food

While you are at the Fair, you have to try at least three Dougnnut burgers just to make sure the first one was really that good. After Hal and I got there, they had to start making more donuts. Go figure!


  1. Ahhh --- two young fairgoers , waiting for the " Guess you weight stand" to open up , probably , or else the food joint behind them -- It might be fun to weigh in at the fair , like when you arrive , and then weigh out when you leave , and fool the old guesser ---- I always thought that the guessers should have food coupons for prizes !

  2. Actually, you are looking at two very HAPPY guys. Hal has lost a tremendous amount of weight and I have finally managed to lose about 40 pounds this year, so let's have another doughnut burger for the road.
