Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Clyde Beatty Circus

Did the Blue space between letters include "Cole Bros." at one time?


  1. Yes, this is a Beatty-Cole poster that someone has deleted or inked out or otherwise removed the Cole Bros wording from, but the poster had been printed with the Clyde Beatty title in which the letters were arranged differently so as to fill the space.

    This was printed by Majestic in Los Angeles, but was in fact copied from an old Erie litho which was used by the old Cole Bros and also by their 1938 Robbins show.

    Bob: You know this is the third effort to take the Beatty title back out in recent years; are they actually getting any dates booked?

  2. Dave,
    Their website lists seven dates in Novemebr all around Florida.

  3. November seems an odd time to start a tour. In visiting their new web site, I'm not sure if they are an "arena" show, or will be under canvas, or both?!?

    When Cole Bros. was in Raleigh earlier this year, the "Clyde Beatty" name still appeared on some of the trucks, from the earlier show title.

    Ah, some things about this business still do not change... who owns what title, equipment, etc.?
