Monday, August 16, 2010

Model Builders Show in Baraboo

The consumate professional model builder that he is, Mr. Flint gives all the credit to a great model builder who showed him lots of ways to make them better. Randy even explained where some of the names originated from back in the 1840's.


  1. Randy9:08 PM

    I pay Steve to sit there,but he is costing me tons,,,any one want a job?????

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Tons?? A diet cola and an occasional day old donut is considered tons???

  3. I suppose that makes a difference if you're an elephant ( figuratively speaking ) or a tiny , little ant ! I myself would squawk about the day old food bit ---- but I digress -- I guess some people will eat just about anything --- but I digress again ---- I seem to digress a lot ---- I wonder if they have pills for that ---- but I digress ---
