Friday, August 06, 2010

Carnival equipment at the CWM

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    A-15 was used as the main power unit over in Milwaukee the first couple of years back there. It was painted dark green by then and was the last wagon loaded on the train in Baraboo. It provided electricity for the coaches while enroute. What a devil it was to load. It was brought part way up the runs by a D-4 CAT, blocked in place on the runs while the pole was unhitched from the CAT and then re-hooked to the CAT with a "short wrap" chain. It then continued up the runs to its place on the flat and chocked. The CAT was then unchained and chocked in its own place. One year it rained and believe me, rubber track pads DO NOT have any traction on wet deck lumber! Changing wheelsets on flats without safety blocks/jacks was nothing compared to that "rodeo".
