Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Buffalo Bill Ticket Wagon

This is the ticket wagon as it existed in 1933 after being used on the Robbins Bros. Circus. Note that the rear wheel has already been altered according to the wheel well. Can anyone give us a history of this wagon?


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Barnum & Bailey (Europe)
    Buffalo Bill (Europe)
    Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill
    Gollmar Bros.
    Miller 101 Ranch
    Robbins Bros. (Buchanan)
    Cole (Adkins/Terrell) picked it up in the winter of 1934-1935. Although it was painted and was going to be used for a sound system it never saw actual service on the road with Cole. It finally ended up at the A.C.Bradley farm in Rochester where it spent its days being used as a chicken coop. CWM acquired it around 1969 where it sat for the next 15 years. Rebuilding came about in part with a generous donation from the Baraboo Expansion Corp. in 1985. Veteran Marv Gauger came out of retirement to assist the ever able shop crew in the reconstruction.

  2. Randy5:25 PM

    EVER ABLE????

  3. Anonymous9:39 PM

    A history was printed in Bandwagon, which differs a bit, I think.
