Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ammo cages

Here's one of the ammo cages at the Circus Hall of Fame in the 1960's at Sarasota, Florida. I don't know who, what or when the center plate with the lettering was added.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    This was cage #74. The center panel was added in 1954 when it carried three performing bears.
    Once the show left Madison Square Garden and Boston, the large bear act was sent back to winter quarters. Albert Rix worked a small bear act in one of the end rings.
    The wagon was usually in the backyard. In 1955 & 56 the wagon carried 6 performing chimps.
    The paint scheme in the photo was a Hall of Fame idea. When they added the panel the cage was painted light blue and then green for 55 & 56.
