Sunday, May 16, 2010

Barnett Bros. Circus

Hal Guyon's Model exhibit kept any and all fascinated all day. We were able to hand out a couple applications to the CMB, one for the CFA and a couple others to the CHS.


  1. Great models Hal --- 16 elephants --- I usually end up with 1 handler when I set up - how many do you use ? And the red grass ---- just like me , but I use purple grass --- drives serious modlers nuts ! Bob , what color grass do you use -- did you spot any of your models ???

  2. My show has never gotten out of the mud. I don't know what color the grass was. Even the train yards was so muddy, I couldn't unload my show that day. As for me, I stayed inside in the air conditioned comfort of a nice shady building. 96 degress outside on Saturday!

  3. Weeee -- doggies - we're still in the mid 40's here in God's country --- but they're starting to close down ,and tear up roads , so summer can't be to far away !

  4. Hal Guyon9:45 PM

    Hey Jim, Don`t think you should ask us what color grass we use, people may get the wrong impression. It may be that your grass is causing you to see purples, reds, greens and other colors. Oh yeah, Thanks for the compliment on the models Jim.

  5. Hal Guyon9:49 PM

    By the way Jim, thats just the long mount. I`ve got 10 more elephants for the menagerie, and 2 for the outside with work harness on. I`m kinda like D.R. Miller, I love my elephants.
