Friday, March 12, 2010

Wm. Koford Photo

This is a Wm. Koford Photo that was distributed by Albert Conover. To the left and center of the photo is the Ringling show. What is on the right? It looks like an entrance to a carnival. I have no idea where or when this photo was taken. Does anyone have any ideas?


  1. Rick Faber8:53 AM

    Hi Bob,
    The structures on the right are part of the sideshow bannerline that season. I think it was a JRN year and he had a designer redo the midway. Rick Faber

  2. Hal Guyon9:22 AM

    That`s the side show bannerline, they used it, I think for a couple of years, real odd looking. I got some pictures of it, I`ll look them up also. I`ve just been real busy lately, but I`ll get this stuff to you, FACT !

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Bob- It was part of a set taken by Koford in Johnstown, PA June 23, 1941.
