Sunday, March 07, 2010

Circus Kirk

This is myself and Diane Neidermeyer in 1974. I'm pretty sure this is a John and Nancy Alquire slide as it is labeled Duplicate copy.


  1. Hal Guyon10:25 AM

    Can you still do this Bob ? Now you know why you had to have knee surgery a few years ago, right !

  2. OH -- MY -- GOSH !!!!!! Words fail me ----- Hal , you better take over , whilst I recover --- OH -- MY -- GOSH !

  3. Sure I can. Now that they have these new fangled electric winches to take you up and lower you back down to the wheelchair, I could do almost all of it.


  4. Thats called therapy Bob, I`m getting ready to find out all about that myself, getting my knee replacment surgery on April 1 !

  5. You're getting an operation on April Fools Day ??? Doesn't that scare you just a tiny bit ??? Hal , you and Bob and I seem to have the same sense of humor ( warped , as my wife says) --- what if your Doctor has the same sense of humor as we three ???? " I'm sorry Mr. Guyon , there was a mix up with your knee and your elbow " , or " A funny thing happened whilst I was performing your surgery " , or just as you're going under the anistetic ,someone hollers out WHOOPS " --- not to mention whoopie cushions , avalable at any Pick and Save Stores these days. ------ OR --- you could have Bob and I do it for half price , with a tummy tuck thrown in for free --- wise thoughts to think over !

  6. Hal Guyon9:59 AM

    Funny you should mention this Jim. When I saw the Dr. the other day he told me that before they put me out to make sure that they marked the left knee. Although I need both knees done it`s the left that bothers me the most. As for you doing the surgery, I don`t think so, it took you forever to repair your blog. If I waited that long for you to do knee surgery I`d be dead. And Bob`s a nice guy and everything, but how do I explain that I had surgery done by a man that use to be a clown ! As for the tummy tuck, No, too much to tuck, maybe something more like a "Tummy Fold" ! As for it being April Fools Day, I can`t think of a better day for an "Ole Comic" like me to have it !

  7. Anonymous1:41 PM

    That is my mom! She is so beautiful! :-) I wish I would've been able to see her do this in person!

  8. Hey girls,
    Please tell your mom I had to move last summer and I have no idea how to contact her.
