Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jacksonville Zoo

This Mamba was one of the poisonous snakes in their collection. They had a Puff Adder, a spitting cobra, an Egyptian Cobra, these Mambas, a Gibboon Viper, and others. It was the largest collection of venemous snakes I ever saw in one place.


  1. I've seen pics of green mambas , but never one this big ! How long do you think it was ??? Looks huge !

  2. Just guessing it was 6 to 7 feet long. There was a second one in there also but not quite as large.

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Would like to ask Jim why his blog has been down for the last couple of days?

  4. Hal Guyon8:09 PM

    They got one a green and a black mamba here at Riverbanks Zoo. Also a King Cobra, Egyptian Cobra, Gaboon Viper, Bushmaster, plus all the local venomous snakes. you`ve been the Riverbanks, haven`t you ?

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    Jim's blog has been steady working. I'm not sure what you are seeing at your end but I see Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today's posts.

