Friday, October 02, 2009

Carson & Barnes Circus

Visit a legendary circus under canvas. Go see the Carson & Barnes Circus near you.
October 2-4th, Rogers, AR.
Oct.5th, Coweta, AR.
Oct.10th, Fort Worth, TX.
Oct.19th, Denison, TX.
Oct.20th, Bonham, TX.
Oct. 21st, Paris, TX.
Oct. 22nd, Greenville, TX


  1. Randy8:25 PM

    who is the guy in the orange shirt?
    he sure looks great!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Quitman is the date that I have after Greenville. Anymore after that?

  3. The dates are not very complete for October that I know of.

  4. I'm preety sure the guy in the Orange shirt is an all round great guy they had performing for a few years with them.
