As many of you know Dom Yodice is a fantastic RBBB historian as was Jim Caldwell. In covering the wagons at Circus World, Dom and I corresponded several times. Below is an excerpt from one of our conversations.
I went over the Bandwagon article. Very interesting. However the wagons got to Circus World, is still somewhat of a mystery.
Are you familiar with Jim Caldwell's terrific article that was in the Jan- Feb 1981 issue of Little Circus Wagon? He gave a very detailed accounting of all the wagons that were on the 1956 show and their current (1981) whereabouts. He mentions the three ammo cages at CW plus two at CHOF and the balance at the junkyard in Houston. No. 61 is listed at CW along with 111 generator (although I never saw it in the graveyard). No. 145 and No. 10 are listed for CW. He doesn't mention the large office wagon 124 (instead he mentions 124 three sided ticket office that is currently at CHOF). Giraffe wagon #83 at CW.
I still don't know how the giraffe wagon was included in the sale to CHOF. The next time I see John Zweifel I will have to ask him if he bought it at the auction.
In looking at the pictures with his article we can identify another ammo cage. It was #78 the bear cage.
As it stands now we have #73 three section- leopards at CWM in Baraboo, #77 pygmy hippo at CHOF, # 78 bears at CHOF, #74 performing chimps at CHOF and one unknown number at CHOF.
This is a Dom Yodice photo.
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