Friday, January 23, 2009

Warren Flatcars

In this old postcard of the original "Old Milwakee Days" train, we see a string of Warren flatcars in differing paint schemes. The Warren Tank Car Co. manufactured this style of a car from 1921 to 1927 era with a truss support under the car. A few of this style still exist at the Circus World Museum. The more modern versions made after 1927, generally do not have this truss design. Several of the Warren flatcars at the Circus World Museum have circus backgrounds before going to the World of Mirth carnival. A couple came directly from Ringling and one came from the Foley and Burk Carnival. A few came from the Royal American Shows. They were made in 70' and 72' lengths. The Strates Carnival still uses one Warren as their unloading ramp where they literally pick up one end of the car and remove the wheels and then lay the end down on the track. A Short set of ramps are then added to get from the flatcar to the ground.

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