Get your reservations in NOW! I flew up to Milwaukee last year, stopped by to see Jim and Donna Peterson, drove the two hours to Baraboo, met my friends Jim and Shirley Keiffer, and drove over together in 26 degrees below zero temperatures with something like 42" of snow on the ground. They still had a full house! There were elephant trainers, ringmasters, clowns, Circus Historians, Circus producers, Fans, tiger trainers, Management, members of CWM Inc., CWM train crew members, CWM employees, and plenty more people there. Way to go Peter!
You'll hear incredible circus history, Jackpots, visit with old friends, see some great films that have been buried in the private vaults of friends and fans for hundred's of years... OK maybe a few years, and you'll have the opportunity to feast your eyes on circus photos that have never been seen in public before showing the old Baraboo town, the old original Ringling Bros. Circus as it prepares for the upcoming seasons and much, much, more.
Buy, sell, and trade ( Whatever it is that you are buying, selling, or trading ) and getting the latest scoop on the upcoming circus season. Let us not forget a meal that will keep you warm for days to come. Don't miss this great opportunity to mingle with the finest circus fans, historians, model builders, and performers ever assembled under one roof at the very exact same time. Never will you see the likes of such a lavish event again....... Until next year! But like all great performances it is one show and one show only.
( Due to the Hazards associated with the conditions of this circus performance, the day and evening's programs are subject to change at all times. )
Hey Bob!
ReplyDeleteThanks for running this for me! I've had some problems with this event, but..."The Show (Mixer) WILL Go On!"
I will accept phone, email, and in person reservations as long as the person making them "promises & swears" to pay up when they arrive!
It'll be a GREAT time, AGAIN, and will probably be the coldest weekend of the winter (Isn't it always!!!)
Thanks for the help again!
Pete, the Baraboobian!
PS - If you call/email please be sure to mention "Winter CIRCUS Mixer", your name, how many, and your contact info, so that I can call you back, in case I'm not hear!!!