I have recieved untold amounts of inquiries "What's Jim doing?" I'm sure many of you know that my blogmaster mentor, co-conspirator, and comic relief guy has been silent for a few days now. I am here to report to you that despite the vicious unsubstantiated rumors that he has gone to the State Fairs of other states to preten..., practice, oops, I mean to play his pipes, he scoffs at those stories and says Fiddaddle, and Harr. He is still in Milwaukee, fully decorated and ready for the big Halloween contest coming up at http://poles2engine.blogspot.com/ and preparing for a long winters night by showing his beloved how to use a snow shovel, ( shoveling snow cuts deeply into the Blog time ) making sure there are enough blankets in the house and in particular close by. Did I report it all right Jim?
Sounds right to me -- what snow ??