Monday, October 13, 2008

Circus Get together

Several of us got together at Hal Guyon's house in Columbia last weekend to share a day together talking circus, models, and history. Joe Yow brought in some models to display along with Hal's models already there while I had a few items from my Circus Store for sale. We enjoyed a trip past the State Fairgrounds as the SC State Fair was being set-up and went in search of what might be an original military ammo wagon still fully intact in a WWII hanger. Hal was going to try to track down a friend that knows a friend to see if he can get a couple photos. Fred Heatley, Glenn Evans, Carter Siegling, Joe Yow, Host Hal Guyon, and myself all enjoyed the day. Above is a Fred Heatley photo.

1 comment:

  1. Nice models , circus and carnival both --- modelers newest creations need to be seen more often.
