Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ringling Bros. World's Greatest Shows

This is a full sheet letterhead in my collection. It is definitely one of the more grandeur designs the Ringlings used. I can't place an exact date of use on it though.


  1. Bob,
    Sorry to tell you but this is not a genuine Ringling lettrhead but one of several dozen created by Roland Butler. I don't know that he ever circulated them in his lifetime for in addition to his role as artist and press agent, in the decade before his death he issued a number of lists for collectors, mostly of items he had produced and had in abundance. However, when Paul Ruddell acquired the estate about 1965, he produced a dittoed list with about 50 letterheads, half of which were fakes (though nice designs) that Butler had produced. Ruddell's own estate went to Earl and Betty Schmid and some of these sheets continued to slip into the market, even when their daughter began to offer items on eBay.
    Dick Flint

  2. Richard,
    Thank you for the correction. The paper just didn't feel old but I assumed it had been very well taken care of. I actually have a collection of re-production letterheads. I just didn't realize this was one of them.

  3. Art work of Roland Butler.
    I have an original painting by Roland Butler, dated 1955, in Palmetto, FL.

    Does anyone collect his work?

    Mandeville, LA
