I worked on this compilation for a long time. There are obviously lots of records that couldn't be shared on this blog.
I first started my research in the obvious location, the Circus World Museum. I got a copy of all the records in the CWM files that I could. Included in those files were some historical information regarding the flatcars background. Knowing that Fred Dahlinger worked there for many years and that he is a consummate historian, I asked Fred if he provided the backgrounds.
He replied "During Bob Parkinson's tenure he created some basic lists for insurance purposes and also compiled limited information sheets [blue mimeograph]. He also maintained most, but not all, of the acquisition information for the cars.
I took the available information, augmented it with a lot of additional research, had some limited assistance from Jim Caldwell, and others, and evolved the detailed provenances that have served as the basis of your work. These were incorporated into a year 2000 collections report enumeration to the CWM board, along with a narrative about the railroad car collection. This work has subsequently been altered and issued by others."
I took the old World of Mirth information and added it to this history. I then created everything about the cars after the were acquired by the CWM. I also added several tidbits such as the Cetlin and Wilson acquisition from RBBB on several flatcars.
Obviously, several photos are still needed to give a full coverage of every flatcar over the years. Hopefully it has been of some enjoyment to all of you out there.