Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Floyd and Howard King's Gentry Bros. Circus

Another Gentry Bros. Letterhead

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Gentry Bros. Famous Shows

The Gentry Bros. began their operation in 1887 as Professor Gentry's Canine Paradox. In a couple years the show had grown to two seperate units called Professor Gentry's Famous Dog & Pony Show. There were four brothers, Henry B., Frank, Walter W., & J. W. Gentry. By 1899 all four had their own unit on the road with 5 rail cars in each show. They bought their first elephant in 1890 which broke it's leg being unloaded and was euthanized immediately. 8 years later they bought a baby elephant again and named it Pinto. Same thing happened again. In 1899 they again bought another Indian female elephant and named her Pinto again. This was the first performing elephant in the Gentry lot. The Brothers started getting out of the business after 1906. Only Walter and Henry remained in business until they sold out in 1916. The title continued many times after 1916 by various owners. This ad was from 1914.
Gentry Bros. Circus
Monday, July 28, 2008
"My Father Owned a Circus" by Robert H. Gollmar
Gollmar Bros. Circus paper # 1
Gollmar Bros. Circus paper # 3
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Gollmar Bros. Circus newspaper ads # 1

Well, I hope everyone was able to avoid the long lines and pushy crowds with those Christmas in July sales. We saw three Christmas movies this week on the Hallmark Channel. Now we can get back to the matter at hand. If you are going to get people in the seats, you need to advertise. Here are several ads the Gollmar Bros. Circus used. This one was from Iowa City, Iowa - 1908.
( By double clicking them, they will enlarge enough to read them. )
Gollmar Bros. Circus Newspaper ads # 3

Fairbury, Nebraska - 1912. The town had already had a tremendous amount of Circus excitement when the home town heroes, the Campbell Bros. Great Consolidated Shows had returned on August 10th for a tremendous showing only to be foreclosed by the bank for over $50,000.00 in loans two days later. Al G. Campbell was a part owner of the Cole Bros. Circus also and they played Fairbury on August 16th. Now here comes the Gollmar Bros. Circus on Sept. 12th.
Gollmar Bros. Circus Newspaper ads #5
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Christmas in July

In order to celebrate all the Huge, Huge Christmas in July sales going on now, I thought I should get out there and direct traffic to keep the crowds from running over the Red carpets and such.
This is allowable by Blog regulations 3.1.24 of the International Blog Rulers Association as pointed out to me by my mentor, like father like son figure and co-conspirator, Mr. Jim "Da Bagpipe Guy" Peterson who has graciously shown me all the technical, untechnical, and who's being technical aspects of this Blogdom Hoopla!
Which explains the stool in my front room that has Technical wrote on it so that when you sit down on it, you now have technical support! Thanks Jim!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
B & B Weekly Expense Book - Inside Cover

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Barnum - 1873
Monday, July 21, 2008
Barnum & Bailey envelopes
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Barnum & Bailey - Turn of the Century

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Barnum & Bailey - 1906
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sells Floto Letterheads and Envelopes - # 1
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sells-Floto in winter quarters
1929 Sells Floto Program
Friday, July 11, 2008
Great Floto bulls - 1905
Great Floto Shows Parade Line-up 1905
Sells Floto - 1906
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Great Wallace Shows

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Frank A. Robbins - circa mid 1900's

This an original copy from Billboard. This was ran in the September 1, 1906 issue on page 29. Frank A. Robbins was a long time showman operating and owning his own shows off and on from 1881 through his final season of 1915. The two young elephants shown should be Cross Country Babe and Queen. Any one interested in his extensive life history need only turn to the 18 part series presented in the Circus Historical Society's periodical, the Bandwagon by Robert Sabia beginning in the May / June 2000 issue and running all the way through the July / August issue of 2003. The entire set is still available as back issues for 4.00 each + Shipping by contacting:
Bandwagon Back Issues
2515 Dorset Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43221
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Cummins Wild West - circa 1906 to 1910

Monday, July 07, 2008
Pawnee Bill - circa 1893

A friend of ours had this poster in his collection. After he passed away, I never saw it again. Don't know where his collection went. I'm not a Wild West Historian either. Fortunately a fabulous book by Allen L. Farnum has this same poster on the back cover listed as 1893-1894. The book is called Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild West, A Photo Documentary of the 1900-1905 Show Tours. This book is filled with unbelieveable photos of the show on tour. This is a must to anyone that enjoys Wild West Shows.
Pawnee, Oklahoma website
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Pawnee Bill Letterhead - 1906

This is a fine piece of period artwork. Letterheads spoke as much about the show as the actual business dealings at times. As a result, Letterheads were literally pieces of artwork. This particular letter was sent to Wm. P. Hall in Lancaster, Missouri. The original is located in the Wm. P. Hall files at the Circus World Museum. I don't want to cause a conflict of interest, so I am showing you the Letterhead artwork only and have cropped out the actual letter.
End of Pawnee Bill Show # 1
End of Pawnee Bill Show # 2
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