Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Ads in the Bandwagon

    It's not too late to take a Christmas ad in the next Bandwagon. Our deadline date will be December 15th. It's an opportunity to send holiday greetings to friends in the circus community, share something about yourself, pay tribute to one of our brethren, avoid the time and expense of Christmas cards, and show support for the Circus Historical Society. The Christmas issue is the year's largest and most costly, and advertising revenue helps defray costs. Ads are encouraged from individual members, as well as from circuses, museums, libraries, suppliers, and other circus-related organizations.

   A full page ad is $200; half page, $125; quarter page, $75. Ads can be created to specification if camera-ready copy is not available. Advertisements and payment should be mailed to CHS Secretary-Treasurer Bob Cline at 2707 Zoar Road, Cheraw, SC 29520 or emailed me at

PETA loses Two More Court Cases

PETA Meets Two Judges, Loses Two Cases

One of the goals of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is to grant animals the same legal rights as people, but this foolish quest suffered double setbacks this week. PETA is no stranger to losing in the courtroom—like its frivolous case claiming that Sea World’s performing whales were slaves or a not-at-all-frivolous case involving a breach of confidentiality that a jury found cost a police officer his job—but it added two new defeats to its list, one in California and one in Kansas.

In California, a judge ruled against PETA’s lawsuit attacking California’s “Happy Cows Come from California” dairy marketing campaign. The judge found that “experience and knowledge substantiate that dairy farmers … adhere to some of the highest animal welfare standards in the U.S.” PETA’s record on animal welfare is killing over 90 percent of the pets in the group’s care in each of the past six years, so it’s understandable that the group might not recognize high welfare standards. (After all, animal welfare, a science, is not at all like animal rights ideology.)

In a U.S. District Court in Kansas, a judge found that PETA cannot force Kansas State Fair organizers to let the group publicly display a profane and graphic anti-meat propaganda video. PETA won’t be denied a booth, but people who want to see the video will have to seek it out. Even so, an anti-agriculture group will still have more access to an agriculture fair than any pro-agriculture group would probably have at an animal rights event.

PETA’s “press sluts” tactics might get it in the news, but thus far the group has little to show for it. And now courts are joining pop idols like Lady Gaga in telling PETA to get lost.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pre-Christmas Special

I am offering you a great opportunity to find a Christmas present that won't be found anywhere else for the circus enthusiast in your family. I have been digitizing Photo albums that have been collected for nearly 60 years. This Christmas Special offer is for Seven different CDs that cover the Great Wallace Shows and mostly the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus with a little bit of the John Robinson's 10 Big Shows tossed in with over 1700 images for your historical and model building pleasures.

There are photos from numeroues collections such as P.M. McClintock, Richard Conover, Chappie Fox, Pete Mardo, Joe Heiser, Jr. Scaperlanda Bros., Russ Warren, Walker Morris, the Melvin collection, Hugh McGill, Gordon Borders, Tom Duncan and others. Some are duplicated from a small photo to an enlargement, a few are billing stands and a few are posters. You certainly won't be disappointed.

The Special will only cost $125.00 plus shipping. That works out to a little over 7 cents an image. You can enlarge these, use Adobe Photoshop programs to crop, colorize, contrast, etc. print any of them at home or at a photo Lab and see details you won't see in a magazine. Go to my website at

For every set purchased, I'll donate 35% to the Circus Historical Society, Inc. to help preserve the publication of the greatest Circus Historical Journal in America, the Bandwagon.

Have a great time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Friday, November 09, 2012

Bandwagon Special Offer

     The Circus Historical Society will be offering a huge special on some past editions of the Bandwagon. Each and every special will only be good for two months. This is the Last three weeks for this great speacial offer. We are making the third offering for the entire six issues of 1992. These issues are covered in detail on our website under the Bandwagon Magazine tab, indexes of Bandwagon Articles, then to 1957 to 1999.

     These issues are filled with great circus history as authored by Bill Johnston, Joseph Bradbury, Gordon Carver, Orin C. King, John Polacsek, Fred D. Pfening III, Mark St. Leon, Stuart Thayer, Chang Reynolds and more.

     Maybe you haven’t been in the CHS for 20 years and would love to read a lot more about the circus or maybe you’re looking for that perfect gift already, but you can’t pass up a deal like this.


...Includes the shipping in the US!

     Make your check payable to the C.H.S. and mail it to: Bandwagon Special - 1992, 1075 W. Fifth Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43212 or you can use PayPal on our website at 

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

RBBB - Gold Unit

Coming off of their two year tour on the Red Unit, the smaller version will now be the Gold Unit opening on Christmas Day in West Palm Beach, FL. and making a South Carolina appearance at the Florence Civic Center February 14 through the 17th, 2013.

A call for Papers


The 43rd Annual Convention of The Popular Culture Association & The American Culture Association
will take place

March 27-30, 2013
Washington, D.C.

This will be the seventeenth meeting of the Popular Culture Association Circuses and Circus Culture interest group. We invite papers that explore the past and present of circus as performance art, historical analysis, and a unique form of popular culture. Circus, a continuously evolving tradition of live entertainment, lends itself to scholarship from many perspectives.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Menageries, Sideshows, Aerialists, Historic Relevance, Worlds Fair Exhibitions, Logistics of Circus Transportation, Clowning, Circus and Sideshow Documentary Screenings, Performance Art, P.T. Barnum and Other Promoters, Gaffs, Pitch Cards and so much more!

Our panels have been diverse and fascinating. We invite you to join us. Send a fifty word abstract of your paper by November 30, 2012 to: and feel free to contact me at:

Stacey L. Mascia
Humanities Department
North Country Community College
75 William Street
Malone, NY 12953
Phone: (518) 483-4550 ext. 3250

Note: Only one paper may be submitted to the Conference.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Chalk Festival

This came from Mia Cristiani-Alvis by way of Laura Sedlmayr today. - Today at the Chalk Festival - a nice tribute to our family - all the Zacchinis that contributed to their fame - Bruno, Teo, Mario, Edmundo, Victor, Mario, Emanuel Sr., Emanuel Jr (Lali) Sylvana (ChaCha), Egle, Duina, Germana, Olympia, Madeline - all wonderful performers and I am so proud to be part if their lineage - I hope I didn't forget anyone.