Monday, May 30, 2011

Spirit of America!

A small railroad show owned by Fred Buchanan was called Robbins Bros. Circus. Having been calledWorld Bros. Circus in 1923, the named was changed to Robbins Bros. in 1924 and operated through 1931. While this poster is from a 1925 stand, the following photos are all from the 1924 spec, the Spirit of America. A perfect set for today as we all slow down and remember the sacrifice of our soldiers that allows us to have a blog today.

These photos all have from Joe Rettinger wrote on the back.

Spirit of America!

The spec included the elephant COLUMBIA and Spencer Huntley with her.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sparks Circus and Damoo Dhorte

The celebrated trainer of leopards was fresh off his triumphant tours on the Ringling / Barnum show where he had been a part of the Alfred Court cage acts being presented in all three rings. As James Edgar assembled his Sparks Circus in 1946 ( Which incidentally was the only time in Ringling history that someone else used a Ringling owned show title other than the Ringling Corp. ) he leased elephants from Ringling and hired acts such as former Ringling great Damoo Dhorte. Here he is caught on film Oct. 30, 1946 in Waco, Texas.

Sparks Circus and Damoo Dhorte

This one photo was taken May 13, 1946 in East Liverpool, Ohio. The cages don't have very big wheels to be on the ground. For this to be a truck show, some serious loading on to a truck each day had to occur.

Sparks Circus and Damoo Dhorte

Damoo in his wardrobe prior to presenting his famous leopard act.

Sparks Circus and Damoo Dhorte

Obviously, the loading and unloading of these cages on a daily basis was not working as well as could be hoped for as the cages are now found on October, 24, 1946 while the Sparks Circus was in Galveston, Texas staying on the truck and the next couple photos will show a chute is run from the truck to the arena inside the Big Top.

Sparks Circus and Damoo Dhorte

Look closely and you'll see the leopards in the chute.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The CHS Convention in Cincinnati

The Circus Historical Society features a terrific auction of circus items every year. This year will feature some of the rarest circus items ever offered in many a year. The Pfening archives have graciously donated several one of a kind items including an 1864 booklet from the Great National Circus and an 1893 Buffalo Bill Wild West program. There will be posters, photos, books etc.

You do not have to be a member of the Circus Historical Society to attend the convention however you do have to register for the convention to be able to bid at the auction. You won't find some of these items ever again. Join us at

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Beers-Barnes Circus

Here's a short little journey with the Beers-Barnes Circus. The title actually dates back to 1932 and ended in 1966 with Charles Beers, George Beers and Roger Barnes as owners.

Beers-Barnes Circus

Did Dave Hoover have his cat act on Beers-Barnes at any point in time? Dave was married to Lois Barnes.

Beers-Barnes Circus

Anyone have any ideas on the truck's use? Shop, supplies?

Beers-Barnes Circus

The green and white trailer in back almost looks like a game trailer.

Beers-Barnes Circus

It wasn't called a High grass show for nothing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wedding Day

The International Press Corps snapped this picture as we were discussing the finer things in life. Hal Guyon took the same identical picture.

Wedding cake

This was our wedding cake. Made by Hope Gulledge and her hubby, Ivan Gulledge, eack cake was a different flavor. There was Chocalate, Red Velvet, Pineapple, Vanilla and Strawberry.

Rehearsal cake

This was the cake for the rehearsal dinner. We decorated the tables with streamers and a lot of the RBBB Snocone cups from over the years then put flowers in them. The Fire Place had several of my models on it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Circus Kirk

Having spent three seasons on Circus Kirk in 1973, 1974, and 1975, I learned firsthand what being on the road was all about. I fell in love with the business and kept it up for 18 years before finally calling it quits.

Circus Kirk

This was the cookhouse top on the left, the men's sleeper at the front door, commissary at the second door and cookhouse at the back.

Circus Kirk

Part of the 10 in 1 Side Show.

Circus Kirk

Doc prided himself in the 10 in 1 Side Show. We carried Fred Johnson banners that were probably some of the last ones he ever painted.

Circus Kirk

Hey Jim, how's this for good notes? This photo was taken in Indiana, PA. on August 3, 1974.

Circus Kirk

Advertising at its finest.

Circus Kirk

Alice Messeri and Leslie Peters from 1975. The llamas were Sultan and Shaw.

Circus Kirk

Alice Messeri and her bird act from 1975. Alice did web also.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Letterheads of the many circuses are something I have thoroughly enjoyed over the years. Occassionally, one will have a printer's mark in it but for the most part, they are all unmarked as to who produced them.

They were meant to be informative first and then they started becoming works of art. With Brilliant shades of Reds, Blues, and Golds, they captivated the imagination as soon as one laid their eyes upon them. Some shows had one or two letterheads and that was all they ever used while shows like Ringling came up with a new design just about yearly.

The ones posted here today are what I call a clip. They are the artwork part of the paper and someone has cut off all the remaining paper.

I also want to apologize to a few of you who sent in comments this week. When blogger went down this week and wouldn't let me post them, they became obsolete and now I get a message saying they no longer exist.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some Enchanted Evening!

Coming to a Wedding Ceremony near you!


Monday, May 09, 2011

CHS on Facebook

The Facebook system has forced every page to upgrade to a new format that has lost lots of things that were on the old pages.

The new CHS Facebook page is at

Let me know if you have any troubles finding it.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

King Bros. Circus

I like the lettering on this truck. ( You can double click to enlarge it. )

King Bros. Circus

How do you like this lettering?