Friday, December 31, 2010

Al G. Barnes over the years.

I've been working on scanning another photo album this week. This one is all about the Al G. Barnes Circus and the subsequent Al G. Barnes-Sells-Floto Circus. There are over 300 photos from various collectors and many unmarked ones but I recognize several from Charlie Puck in this album.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dick Sparrow

I heard from Les Smout last night: Dick Sparrow passed away yesterday at the age of 81. Services will be Wed. 12/29 in Zearing, Iowa.

Dick Sparrow

In 1973, Dick Sparrow and the 40 horse hitch was returning from the Washington DC Cherry Blossom festival when they laid over at the George Harkness farm near Sandusky, Ohio. I lived just around the corner from the farm.

Dick Sparrow

These next few photos are all 8 x 10 press photos from Ben Barkin's advertising agency.

Dick Sparrow

The last Bandwagon ever made in the United States, the Schlitz Bandwagon is seen here in 1973 with Dick Sparrow and Robert Uehlein Jr., President of the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.

Dick Sparrow

These next three were taken at the 2002 Milwaukee Parade. The 40 was now hitched to the Two Hemisphere Bandwagon and being driven by Dick's son, Paul.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord! Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas!

We are expecting snow in South Carolina today. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I always thought it was a ONE horse open sleigh!

Merry Christmas!

From our house to yours, Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

A Time to Pause

As you hurry through your last minute details today, take just a moment to pause and remember all we have is because of our baby Jesus!

Merry Christmas to All!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Carnivals on Rails

I finished scanning and identifying another photo album with the help of my goood friend, Hal Guyon. Included in Album # 54 are over three hundred and twenty Black and White photos of Carnivals that travelled by Rails such as the Royal American Shows, Cetlin and Wilson, Smith's Greater Shows, Great Patterson Shows, Strates, Cavalcade of America and many more. There is one photo of the Wortham and Allen Water Circus calliope, one photo from the T.A. Wolfe Superior Shows, and photos from the Nat Reiss Shows, Johnny J. Jones Exposition, John R. Ward Shows, West's World Wonder Shows, World of Mirth, etc. Many of them fall in the Very hard to find category. This is not your average collection.
They are available for sale on my website at

Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Claus

Christmas and the Circus are a lot alike. They both create memories that last a lifetime. We see different things even though we see the same thing. And they both are for Children of All Ages! While we have multitudes of interpretations out there, the Coca-Cola Santas were as good as they get in my eyes. These were my memories of the Christmas Santa!

Circus Historical Society

The latest issue of the CHS Bandwagon should be in everyone's hands by now. What a beauty it is!
I'll get started on the February Newsletter right after Christmas so if you have any circus news, let me know. I'll do what I can to get it in the Newsletter. Contact me at

Friday, December 17, 2010

Circus Album # 6

I finished another Photo album last night. Album # 6 has over 320 photos in it. Most of them are from the Christy Bros. Circus. There are some from the 1929 Cole Bros. Circus, Gentry Bros. Circus, Golden Bros. Circus, Lee Bros. Circus and the Ken Maynard's Circus and Wild West. It's all available on a Computer CD for your viewing pleasure and your circus history collection at my website:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beauty Tab

Here's two more great photos from Jerry Cash that show the great detail in the carvings on this wagon.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Beauty Tab

These are Jerry Cash's photos. I never realized until just now that the statue carvings are different on each side. Look at the arms on front middle and back statues on each side.

Beauty Tab

Legendary Circus Historian, Joe Bradbury kept an index card on parade wagon histories over the years. I was fortunate enough to get a copy years ago. According to Joe's notes, the Beauty tab was built in the 1880's or 1890's for Adam Forepaugh as a cage.

1894 - Adam Forepaugh Shows
1895 - not on the road
1896 - Forepaugh-Sells ( Probably for several years )

1910-1913 - Downie and Wheeler
1914 - Jones Bros. and Wilson
1915 - Jones Bros.
1916 to 1917 - Cole Bros.
went to G.W. Christy and converted to a Tableau
1922 to 1930 - Christy Bros. Circus
1936 - Ken Maynard
1937 to 1949 - in storage at US Tents and Awnings
1949 to 1955 - Bradley and Kaye's Kiddieland in Los Angeles
1955 - Disney
Disney later donated it to the Circus World Museum

Beauty Tab

This photo of the beauty tab was taken on the Christy Bros. Circus in 1924. You can just barely see the center design is a painting.

Beauty Tab

Here's the Beauty Tab as seen on the Christy Bros. Circus in 1925. Note the center carving didn't exist at this time.

Beauty Tab

This photo is from Jerry Cash as the wagon was now part of the Disney properties. Note that the front and rear corner statues are noticably different in height.

Beauty Tab

Here it is at the Great Circus Parade in Milwaukee.

Beauty Tab

This is a Jerry Cash photo taken in 1997 at the Circus World Museum.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas

The Bloggers convention was wonderful again this year. We were asked to stop for just a moment when someone snapped this photo of two of your finest bloggers out there. May the fireplace keep you warm and the holiday spirit live in everyone of you!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Time

Its going to be a busy weekend here. We'll be setting up all weekend, then facing the elements tomorrow night as we expect between 1300 and 1500 vistors in the 2 1/2 hours. If you are in the area, we would be delighted to have you join us.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Christmas time

It's been FROSTY here for the last few days. 12 degrees in Cheraw, South Carolina this morning. May the Christmas spirit bring out the child in all of you!

Christmas time

It's snowing in South Carolina and Georgia right now. The air is too dry for it to get to the ground however. I just thought I would throw in a Wisconsin picture for all of you.

Christmas time

Christmas time makes us a little "GOOFY!"

Christmas time

Have you seen the Charlie Brown Christmas tree available in the stores this year?

Christmas time

As the holy season approaches yet another time, let us pause and reflect on the great memories that made Christmas special for you and yours and for all of us Children of all Ages!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Trans Siberian Orchestra

We were part of over 8000 screaming fans that saw the Trans Siberian Orchestra in concert Friday night in Columbia, SC. After seeing the show over 9 different years, it just keeps getting better and better! If you have never seen it before, GO! It is an amazing Christmas story and Rock-n-Roll.